Reformed Church

Germantown, NY
Rosenberry & Myers Organbuilders 2007

Reformed Church - Germantown, NY

The new organ is a complete rebuild of a 1921 tubular-pneumatic Estey.

The console was rebuilt with 2 reconditioned keyboards, a new multi-memory combination action and a new tilting tablet stop rail. The original Estey pedalboard was completely reconditioned with a new contact rail built and custom fitted. Also added - a new lighted music rack and pedal light. The console features an Automatic Pedal stop, which when active plays the lowest note being played on the manual on the pedal stops. This allows keyboard-only players to achieve the full sound of the pedal notes.

The new Great and Swell windchests utilize 1 3/4" solid poplar toeboards and expansion cell electro-mechanical action.

2 new ranks of pipes were added. All existing pipework was revoiced. A real reed Oboe was installed in place of the synthetic Estey Oboe.

As part of the rebuild, all the Estey gold case pipes were repaired and re-painted.


8' Open Diapason 61 pipes - Existing facade bass plus new pipes of spotted metal
8' Clarabella 61 pipes
8' Dulciana 61 pipes
4' Octave 61 pipes - New spotted metal
4' Flute d' Amour 61 pipes
2' Fifteenth 12 pipes - extension of GT. Octave


8' Stopped Diapason 61 Pipes
8' Salicional 61 pipes
8' Voix Celeste 49 pipes
4' Flute Harmonic 61 pipes
2' Doublette 12 pipes - extension of Flute Harmonic
8' Oboe 61 pipes - Recycled and reconditioned


16' Bourdon 30 pipes

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